Friday 7 November 2014

Deliciously Good 4 You

Juicy Juli Mangoes
Raw food, there is nothing better that getting your vitamins & nutrients naturally. I live in a tropical island and luckily I have access to all these wonderful fruits. You can have them any time of day, they are nutritious & for those like myself with a "determined sweet tooth" these are just the right fix. As Usual, everything in Moderation.

Ripe Bananas, Oranges & Sweetsop

Above is our local bananas, Oranges & Sweetsop, you can never tire of finding tasting fruits on my island. Jamaica is blessed & I am happy to share these with you, and I'll try to make more fruitplate post! 

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Healthy Tasty Meals you can try at home!

Ripe Bananas with Shredded Carrots, Oranges & Almond Milk
It's so important for us to eat healthy or as close to nature as possible. I am not gonna say I am perfect but I certainly do try. It's hard to ignore the facts about foods and their healing properties to restore, revitalize & rejuvenate our bodies.

Instead of saying I don't care for this or that, do your research, your body is your sacred temple and it's important that we put good foods in, just as you would put the best gas in your car. If you truly love yourself, they you will give the best to yourself

Summer Salad

Tropical Fruit Plate

Bean Stew

Now I am not saying you ought to become vegan or vegetarian overnight, I would love however if you start by making small steps as simple as ensuring you incorporate fruits in your daily diet as much as possible as well as ensuring that vegetables in some way shape or form are apart of your daily meals.

The awesome thing about vegetables is that you can blend them and it goes down easy with you benefitting from all the glorious nutrients & vitamins.

Check out some of these dishes I have created at home, and they are pretty easy to do, if you need additional info, please send me an email at

A mentor of mine, who is also an amazing friend, once said to me, "Your Health is Your Wealth" I had an epiphany that day, and the truth suddenly dawned on me. It's a journey that I would love for you to join me on. Cheers to a healthier happier longer life!!